Welcome to my newest site. One that will grow as time goes by. Eventually I will have scans of my orginal works of scrolls for Amtgard. But for now I am going to start with a list of books that I and others have. If I come across reviews of the books I will also add them in the future. For now I am adding only where they can be found either for purchase or for online viewing. Have Fun!
An Abecedarium : Illuminated Alphabets from the Court of Emperor Rudolf II
by Lee Hendrix, Thea Vignau-Wilberg
Anglo-Saxon Textual Illustration : Photographs of Sixteen Manuscripts With Descriptions and Index by Thomas H. Ohlgren (May 1992) Western Michigan Univ; ISBN: 1879288109
The Art of the Maya Scribe by Michael D. Coe, Justin Kerr
The Becket Leaves, British Library Pubns; ISBN: 0712301410 , 1995 paperback The Becket Leaves (Manuscripts in Colour Series) by Janet Backhouse, Christopher De Hamel
The Belle Heures THE BELLE HEURES OF JEAN, DUKE OF BERRY PRINCE OF FRANCE Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, 1958. Rorimer,James J (Introduction)
Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry by M. Meiss (October 1974) George Braziller; ISBN: 0807607509
The Bellville Breviary, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 10483-10484
The Bedford Hours by Janet Backhouse New Amsterdam Books; ISBN: 1561310212
The Benedictional of Aethelwold (Studies in Manuscript Illumination, No 9)
by Robert Deshman (August 1995) Princeton Univ Pr; ISBN: 0691043868
Bethune Book of Hours Southern Flanders Circa 1460 107 Folia
Bible Moralisee : Codex Vindobonensis 2254, Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek (Manuscripts in Miniature, Vol 2) by Gerald B. Guest (Translator) (December 1995) Harvey Miller Pub; ISBN: 1872501923
Boccaccio's Des Cleres Et Nobles Femmes : Systems of Signification in an Illuminated Manuscript (Monographs on the Fine Arts, Vol 53) by Brigitte Buettner (October 1996) University of Washington Press; ISBN: 0295975202
The Book of Durrow : A Medieval Masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin
by Bernard Meehan
Book of Hours by Simon Marmion, James Thorpe (May 1990) Huntington Library; ISBN: 0873281306
A Book of Hours, Tolley, T. Dr., London, Studio Editions, 1993. 1st. 2nd. NF. The Book of Kells : An Illustrated Introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College Dublin by Bernard Meehan also Selected Plates in Full Color by Blumette Cirker, Blanche Cirker and 6 Book of Kells Postcards by Carol Belanger Grafton
The Breviary of Phille le Bel, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 1023
The Breviary of Charles V,Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 1052
The Cloisters Apochalypse: An Early Fourteenth-Century Manuscript in Facsimile, (search for keyword cloisters on your browser), (Metropolitan Museum, Inv # 11592) Metropolitan Museum of Art. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1971 (cloth). Fine. Section from slipcase shown.
The Codex Nuttall: A PICTURE MANUSCRIPT FROM ANCIENT MEXICO, Zelia Nuttall, Dover (1975), Dover, New York, 1975. First Dover printing. Quality softcover, landscape 8vo, printed on good paper and in a sewn binding. With new introductiory text by Arthur G. Miller. With 86 full color plates. Not paginated.
Codex Perez By Perez, Don Juan Pio. 1979.1st. Four pp. facsimiles and several textual illustrations. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979. First edition. A volume in the Civilization of the American Indian Series. An key source concerning the shrouded history of the Mayan people, the Codex Perez translates a miscellany of documents, including several almanacs, three prophecies, histories of the Itzas and the Xius, and instructions on herbal remedies, methods of bleeding, and computations of time. Its central manuscript is the Book of Chilam Balam or the Jaguar Priest, considered to be the most important surviving remnant of early Mayan literature. A small town mayor of Spanish descent, Perez (1798-1859) was the first to recognize the significance of these documents and is solely responsible for their compilation and preservation.
Color Decoration & Illumination in Calligraphy : Techniques and Projects by Margaret Morgan
The Farnese Hours New York, NY, George Braziller, 1976. HB. Passela, Charles. fine/VG/VG+, bk has plain bwn sheet as dj, bds are lt bwn suede. The Farnese Hours were once the most famous of all illuminated manuscripts, completed in Rome for Alessandro Cardinal Farnese. in 1546, this book of private devotions is chronologically one of the last great examples of the art of illumination.
Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting : 1200-1500 by Richard Marks, Nigel J. Morgan (May 1981) George Braziller; ISBN: 0807609714
Gothic Manuscripts 1285-1385 : I, Text and 450 Illustrations, Ii, Catalogue (Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated British Isles, Vol 5) by Lucy Freeman Sandler (February 1987) Oxford Univ Press; ISBN: 0199210373
The Grande Heures (these first 3 are all Duke of Berry), (search for keyword Grande on your browser)
The Grandes Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry; Biblioth`Eque Nationale, Paris. Hardcover (June 1971) George Braziller; ISBN: 0807606138
The Grimani Breviary NY, The Overlook Press, l974. lst American. h/c. 110 colour plates; 29 b & w. 276 Reproduced from the illuniated manuscript belonging to the Biblioteca Marciana, Venice. Flemish miniature painting. Commentaries on plates by Gian Lorenzo Mellini; color plates printed in Italy. Text filmset in Great Britian. Printed and bound in Holland. Large miniatures reproduced full-size. LIMITED EDITION of 850 copies
The Harley Psalter (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology ; 4)
by William Noel (February 1996) Cambridge Univ Pr (Short); ISBN: 0521464951
The Hastings Hours by Janet Backhouse
The Hildegard Collection HILDEGARD OF BINGEN (1098-1179).
Publications about the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library Collection The History of Alexander the Great : An Illuminated Manuscript of Vasco Da Lucena's French Translation of the Ancient Text by Quintus Curtius Rufus) J Paul Getty Museum Pubns; ISBN: 0892363711 by Scot McKendrick
A History of Illuminated Manuscripts by Christopher De Hamel
The Holy Bible: with illustrations from the Vatican Library_. New Revised Standard Version. 1st ed. Atlanta: Turner Publishing, Inc., 1996. Published in cooperation with Oxford Universtity Press, New York, NY. ISBN 1-57036-299-8. ILLUSTRATED. FINE 10X14 1312pp. ARTWORK,BOXED,METALIC GOLD INK,32PG FAMILY RECORD ALBUM,NRSV BIBLE, ILLUSTRATIONS FROM THE VATICAN LIBRARY Atlanta & New York, Turner Pub'g/Oxford Univ Prs, l995. 1st. h/c. 700 full color illus. l,312 The most beautiful family heirloom bible of modern times based on the Vatican library's Urbino bible, completed in 1478. Specially made archival paper. Six-color printing throughout. Renaissance art. By commissioning special formulations of metallic-gold ink and applying them to the printed pages in details hand-silhouetted from the original gold, Turner Publishing
The Hours of Etienne Chevalier by Jean Fouquet ASIN: 0807606189. Also can be found at http://www.moesbooks.com/.
The Hours of Catherine of Cleves, Plummer, J., Inv # 22760) Plummer, John. Braziller, n.d. (cloth), (do a search for keyword Cleves in your browser). 8vo, 24 pp. +160 color plates. very good copy with slipcase.
The Hours of Jeanne D'Evreaux, Metroplitan Museum of Art, 1957
The Hours of Richard III, by Anne F. Sutton, Livia Visser-Fuchs 144 pages (September 1997) Sutton Alan Publishing Inc; ISBN: 0750911840 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.38 x 9.76 x 6.82
The Hours of Simon De Varie (Getty Museum Monographs on Illuminated Manuscripts)
by James H. Marrow, James H. Morrow, Francois Avril J Paul Getty Museum Pubns; ISBN: 0892362847
The Hours of Mary of Burgundy : Codex Vindobonensis 1857 Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek (Manuscripts in Miniature) by Nicolas Spierinc, Eric Inglis (Editor) (April 1995) Univ of Toronto Pr; ISBN: 1872501877
The Illuminated Haggadah : Featuring Medieval Illuminations from the Haggadah Collection of the British Library by Michael Shire Stewart Tabori & Chang; ISBN: 1556708009
Illuminated Manuscripts: the book before Gutenberg, by Giulia Bologna New York, (do a keyword search for Weidenfeld in your browser), ISBN 1-555-84275-5 (Bologna, G., Inv # 17972) Bologna, Giulia. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988 (cloth).
The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Spain by Mireille Mentre
The Illuminated Page : Ten Centuries of Manuscript Painting in the British Library
by Janet Backhouse
Illuminated Prophet Books : A Study of Byzantine Manuscripts of the Major and Minor Prophets by John Lowden, Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Txt); ISBN: 0271006048
The Illustrations of the Maqamat (Studies in Medieval Manuscript Illumination)
by Oleg Grabar, Hariri Maqamat University of Chicago Press; ISBN: 0226690571
Imaging the Early Medieval Bible (The Penn State Series in the History of the Book)
by John Williams (Editor) (January 1999) Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Txt); ISBN: 0271017686
Islamic Manuscripts in the New York Public Library by Barbara Schmitz (November 1992)
Oxford Univ Press; ISBN: 019505752X
The Isabella Breviary by Janet Backhouse ,(July 1995) British Library Pubns; ISBN: 0712302697
King Rene's Book of Love scroll down to Books on Calligraphy and Manuscript Illumination. (Le Cueur d'Amours Espris), introduction and commentaries by F. Unterkircher, Sku 700178
Later Gothic Manuscripts : 1390-1490 (Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, Vol 6) by Kathleen Scott (September 1996) Univ of Toronto Pr; ISBN: 0905203046
The Life of St. Denis, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS fr. 2091
The Lindisfarne Gospel by Janet Backhouse
The Luttrell Psalter (Manuscripts in Colour) by Jane Backhouse, (April 1990)
New Amsterdam Books; ISBN: 0941533913
Manuscripts from Saint Albans Abbey, 1066-1235 : Part 1, Text : Part 2, Plates
by Rodney M. Thomson (December 1982) Boydell & Brewer; ISBN: 0859910857
The Manesse Codex, University Library Heidelberg, MS. Pal. Germ. 848 KATALOG ZUR AUSSTELLUNG UNIV.BIBL. HEIDELBERG. Heidelberg, Braus, 1988. 4to. XII+688 pp. With 216 col.facs. & hundreds of ills. Indexes. Or.boards. Mittler, E. & W. Werner (eds.)
Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and the Visions of Tondal : Papers Delivered at a Symposium Organized by the Department of Manuscripts of the J. Pau by Thomas Kren (Editor) (July 1992) J Paul Getty Museum Pubns; ISBN: 0892362049
Master of Death : The Lifeless Art of Pierre Remiet, Illuminator by Michael Camille (April 1996) Yale Univ Pr; ISBN: 0300064578
The Master of Mary of Burgundy: A Book of Hours for Engelbert of Nassau : The Bodleian Library, Oxford [Medieval Manuscripts] A Book of Hours for Englebert of Nassau. [Owned by] The Bodleian Library, Oxford. Introduction & Legends by J.J.G. Alexander. New York: George Braziller. (1970). 16mo. (192)pp. Index. With dozens of color facsimiles. Heavy blue cloth, gilt. faber, (1948 was the 1st edition avaliable from Bibliocity.)
Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum : Illuminated Manuscripts by J. Paul Getty Museum, Mollie Holtman (Editor) (November 1997) J Paul Getty Museum Pubns; ISBN: 0892364459
Medieval Calligraphy : Its History and Technique by Marc Drogin
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in New Zealand Collections by Margaret M. Manion, Vera F. Vines, Christopher De Hamel (September 1989) Thames & Hudson; ISBN: 0500235449
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery Vol 001: France, 875-1420 by Walters Art Gallery(Baltimore, Md.), Lilian M.C. Randall, Lillian M. Randall (March 1989)Johns Hopkins Univ Pr; ISBN: 0801828694
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery : France, 1420-1540/Volume 2 in 2 Parts by Lilian M.C. Randall, Christopher Clarkson, Jeannee Krochalis, Lillian M. Randall, Jeanne Krochalis (January 1993) Johns Hopkins Univ Pr; ISBN: 0801828708
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery : Belgium, 1250-1530 (Vol 3) by Lilian M. C. Randall, Walters Art Gallery(Baltimore, Md.) (October 1997) Johns Hopkins Univ Pr; ISBN: 0801853176
Miniature Book of Hours (Vatican Apostolic Library,94) by Marcel Thomas (September 1986) Belser Incorporated Publishing; ISBN: 0811509125
Mir Calligraphiae Monumenta
The Ormsby Psalter, Bodleian Library Other images in the library collection
The Paris Psalter and Meters of Boethius, Bibliotheque del'Arsenal, MS 1186 New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1932-4th edition. Vol. 5 of the Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records. George P. Krapp (Editor). There is a 1961 edition that can be found at any of the other book search links below.
The Painted Page : Italian Renaissance Book Illumination 1450-1550 by Jonathan J.G. Alexander (Editor), Lilian Armstrong (August 1997)
International Book Import Service, Inc.; ISBN: 3791313851
Painted Prayers : The Book of Hours in Medieval and Renaissance Artby Roger S. Wieck
The Playfair Hours : A Late Fifteenth Century Illuminated Manuscript from Rouen (V & A, L. 475-1918) by Rowan Watson (February 1985) Victoria & Albert Museum; ISBN: 0905209982
The Prayer Book of Michelino da Besozzo, George Braziller, INTRODUCTION BY COLIN EISLER. LEGENDS BY PATRICIA CORBETT AND COLIN EISLER. NY: Braziller, n.d. Green suede gilt, 29p., 93 color plates. Published 1995 isbn 0807613894
Psalter & Hours of Yolande of Soissons by Karen Gould (Speculum Anniversary Monographs, No 4) isbn 0910956782, Published 1978
The Psalter of Robert De Lisle in the British Library by Lucy Sandler (August 1984)
Oxford Univ Press; ISBN: 0199210284
The Psalter of St Louis, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 10525
The Robert Lehman Collection : Illuminations (Vol 4) by Sandra Hindman, Mirella Levi D'Ancona, Pia Palladino, ma Saffiotti, Mirella Levi D'Ancona, Maria Francesca Saffiotti Vol 4 (August 1998) Metropolitan Museum of Art; ISBN: 0691059713
The Rohan Master : A Book of Hours by Millard Meiss deluxe decorated slip case box edition (October 1973) George Braziller; ISBN: 0807606901 Hardback. Paperback Marcel Thomas, Millard Meiss(October 1994)
Sacrament Book of the Bishop Warmundus (late 10th Century)
Scribes and Illuminators (Medieval Craftsmen Series) by Christopher De Hamel(July 1992) Univ of Toronto Pr; ISBN: 0802077072
The Sforza Hours, The British Library, 1992
Songs of Paris, Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Medecine, MS 196
Trades and Crafts in Medieval Manuscripts by Patricia Basing (October 1990)
New Amsterdam Books; ISBN: 1561310026
The Tres Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry by Millard Meiss Hard Back(June 1976)
George Braziller; ISBN: 0807605123 Paperback by Musee Conde Chantilly, Jean Longnon, Raymond Cazelles, Millard Meiss (March 1989)
George Braziller; ISBN: 0807612200 and Tres Riches Heures : Behind the Gothic Masterpiece (Pegasus Library) by Lillian Schacherl, Fiona Elliott (Translator) (October 1997) International Book Import Service, Inc.; ISBN: 3791318705. Images on the WebMuseum http://www.oir.ucf.edu/wm/ currently it is housed in the rh/ directory but go to the main directory in case they move it.
Treasures from Italy's Great Libraries by Lorenzo Crinelli (Editor), Anna Rita Fantoni (Editor) (November 1997) Vendome Pr; ISBN: 0865659869
Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts : A Guide to Technical Terms by Michelle P. Brown
The Vatican Book of Hours from the Circle of Jean Bourdichon : Cod. Vat. Lat. 3781 (Codices E Vaticanis Sleecti Quam Simillime Expressi Iussu Ioannis) by Jane E. Rosenthal (July 1990) Belser Incorporated Publishing; ISBN: 1559280514
The Visconti Hours by Millard Meiss, Edith W. Kirsch (August 1994) George Braziller; ISBN: 0807613592
The Wharncliffe Hours a study of a fifteenth-century prayerbook, Sydney, Sydney University Press. 1972. 33 & apppp. 8vo. Paperback. Illus. with plates from the manuscript. Study of a Franco-Flemish illuminated manuscript held at the National Gallery of Victoria. Art Monograph 1 The Australian Academy of the Humanities. ISBN: 042406420.
The Winchester Bible, The British Library, by Claire Donovan (September 1993) Univ of Toronto Pr (Trd); ISBN: 0802069916
The Winchester Psalter : An Iconographic Study by Kristine Edmondson Haney (December 1986) Humanities Pr; ISBN: 071851260X
The York Psalter: New York: Yoseloff, (1962). 4to. Cloth, dust jacket. 32 pages, 8 full color plates. First edition. .in the Library of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. Edited by Walter Oakeshott with an introduction by Thomas Sherren Ross Boase.
Calligraphy Workstation (book and kit)
Manda Hanson
The Speedball Textbook, 22nd Edition Joanne Fink and Judy Kastin
100 Keys to Great Calligraphy
Calligraphy School
Gaynor Goffe and Anna Ravenscroft
Calligraphy Made Easy: A Complete Beginner's Guide
The Calligrapher's Project Book
Susanne Haines
The Technique of Copperplate Calligraphy: A Manual and Model Book of the Pointed Pen Method
Gordon Turner
Ornate Pictorial Calligraphy
E. A. Lupfer
Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique
Marc Drogin
The Calligrapher's Handbook
Heather Child (Editor)
Written Letters: 33 Alphabets for Calligraphers
Jacqueline Svaren
The Italic Way to Beautiful Handwriting, Cursive and Calligraphic
Fred Eager
Using Calligraphy: A Workbook of Alphabets, Projects, and Techniques
Margaret Shepherd
Calligraphy Made Easy
Calligraphy Alphabets Made Easy
Modern Calligraphy Made Easy: A New Script for Streamlined Lettering
Learning Calligraphy: A Book of Lettering, Design and History
Calligraphy Projects for Pleasure and Profit
Calligraphy From Beginner to Expert (book and pens)
Caroline Young, Chris Lyon, Paul Sullivan
Step-By-Step Calligraphy: A Complete Guide With Creative Projects
Susan Hufton
Calligraphy Tips
Bill Gray
The Art of Calligraphy
David Harris
Pen Lettering
Ann Camp
A Book of Formal Scripts
John Woodcock
The Anatomy of Letters
Charles Pearce
Color Decoration and Illumination in Calligraphy
Margaret Morgan
Secreta: Three Methods of Laying Gold Leaf
Joyce Grafe
The Universal Penman
George Bickham
George Bickham's Penmanship Made Easy
The Painted Page: Italian Renaissance Book Illumination 1450-1550
Jonathan J.G. Alexander (Editor)
Medieval Illuminators and Their Methods of Work (paperback)
Painted Prayers: The Book of Hours in Medieval and Renaissance Art
Roger S. Wieck
The Book of Kells: Selected Plates in Full Color
Blumette Cirker and Blanche Cirker
The Book of Durrow: A Medieval Masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin
Bernard Meehan
The Lindisfarne Gospels
Janet Backhouse
Origin of the Serif
Edward M. Catich
A History of Illuminated Manuscripts
Christopher de Hamel
Scribes and Illuminators: Medieval Craftsmen
Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical Terms
Michelle P. Brown
Book of Hours
Under Milk Wood: A Play for Voices: A Reproduction of the Illuminated Manuscript
Dylan Thomas, manuscript by Sheila Waters
Letterwork: Creative Letterforms in Graphic Design
Brody Neuenschwander
Words of Risk: The Art of Thomas Ingmire
Michael Gullick
Calligraphy Today: 20th Century Tradition and Practice
Heather Child
Celtic Design: Knotwork: The Secret Method of the Scribes
Aidan Meehan
Celtic Design: A Beginner's Manual
Celtic Design: Illuminated Letters
Celtic Design: Spiral Patterns
Celtic Design: Animal Patterns
Celtic Design: The Dragon and the Griffin: The Viking Impact
Celtic Design: The Tree of Life
Celtic Patterns: For Painting and Crafts
Maze Patterns
Celtic Alphabets
Celtic Art: The Methods of Construction
George Bain
Celtic Knotwork
Iain Bain
The Torah
Rabbi Rodney Mariner (editor)
Hebrew Letter: Calligraphic Variations
Ismar David
850 Calligraphic Ornaments for Designers and Craftsmen
Kiyoshi Takahashi
Ready to Use Calligraphic Ornaments
Illuminated Initials in Full Color
Carol Belanger Grafton (editor)
Treasury of Illuminated Borders in Full Color
Ornamental Pen Designs and Flourishes
Celtic Designs and Motifs
Courtney Davis
Celtic Borders and Decoration
1001 Illuminated Initial Letters
Owen Jones
Decorative Alphabets and Initials
Alexander Nesbitt
159 Celtic Designs
Amy Lusebrink
Creative Lettering Today: Calligraphy in the Graphic Arts, Drawing and Design, Digital Letterforms, Carving Letters in Stone and Wood
Michael Harvey
Creating Textures in Pen and Ink with Watercolor
Claudia Nice
Encyclopedia of Colored Pencil Techniques - Judy Martin
Encyclopedia of Decorative Paint Techniques - S. Cavelle, E. Wilhide
Encyclopedia of Flower-Painting Techniques - Sue Burton
Encyclopedia of Illustration Techniques - Catharine Slade
Encyclopedia of Oil Painting Techniques - Jeremy Galton
Encyclopedia of Watercolor Techniques - Hazel Harrison
Encyclopedia of Watercolor Techniques (Landscape) - Hazel Soan
Painting for Calligraphers
Marie Angel
Layout and Design for Calligraphers
Alan Furber
The Non-Designer's Design Book: Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice
Robin Williams
Graphic Design Cookbook: Mix and Match Recipes for Faster Better Layouts
Leonard Koren, R. Wippo Meckler
The Art of Color Calligraphy
Mary Noble, Adrian Waddington
Color Choices: Making Color Sense Out of Color Theory
Stephen Quiller
The Artist's Guide to Selecting Colors
Michael Wilcox
Making Color Sing
Jeanne Dobie
The Watercolor Painter's Pocket Palette
Moira Clinch (Editor)
The Colored Pencil Artist's Pocket Palette
Jane Strother
Make Your Own Artist's Tools and Materials
Vance Studley
Complete Studio Tips for Artists and Graphic Designers
Bill Gray, Paul Shaw
Computer Tips for Artists, Designers, and Desktop Publishers
Scott Wills