Awards criteria: a supplement to the Corpora penned by:,,,,, Grei,,, Jemethial,,,,,,,, Nomad,,,,,,, Dax
This all started in Austin Texas in 1993 and finished with the committees meeting In Houston and College Station,
and With special help from Grand Duchess Tawnee Darkfalcon .

Thank you eveyone,
In Service to all
Sir Ches
May 3, 1996

Order of the Dragon
Order of the Griffin
Order of the Lion
Order of the Owl
Order of the Rose
Order of the Smith
Order of the Garber
Order of the Jovious
Order of the Mask
Order of the Hydra
Order of the Warrior

Order of the Dragon:

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Dragon

Given by: the Crown - Monarch, Regent, Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke/Duchess (to 7th), Baron (to 4th)

Given for: outstanding achievements in the arts and sciences such as 2-d art (drawings, paintings, banners, scrolls, etchings on other works), 3-d art (jewelry, sculpture, coronets, ceramics, toys, games, etc.), Photography (black and white, sepia, or color), Bardic (instrumental, dance, oratory), Food (cooking, vintners, desserts, beverages, herbal remedies), Writing (prose, poetry, informative).

Limitations: None, however 10 orders of this award are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt favor: Green belt favor with a red border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: It is preferable that there be a minimum score of 3.25 to place in any category. It is suggested that at least 6 people compete in a given category to have a 1st through 3rd place awarded. A winner in a category is someone who entered all the sections in that category and averaged above the minimum score required, (there should be at least one other competitor in the category or categories the candidate entered; i.e., it is preferable that there be no uncontested wins/placings). Due to the sometimes arbitrariness of the judges however the Monarch may award these as he pleases. All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st Order - entering and placing in an arts competition in at least one category. Comparable non competition work as stated above may also be considered.

2nd through 4th Orders - sequentially previous Orders (1st), and entering and placing OVERALL* in an arts competition preferably with increasing ratios of wins to placings for the higher Orders. Comparable non-competition work as stated above may also be considered.

5th through 7th Orders - sequentially previous Orders (1st through 4th), and entering and placing OVERALL in an arts competition at a minimum of the Duchy level. As above, there should be at least one other competitor in each category the candidate enters; i.e., it is preferable that there are no uncontested wins/placings. It is also preferable that the candidate places higher in subsequent competitions for higher Orders of the Dragon. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.

8th through 9th Order - sequentially previous Orders (1st through 7th), and entering and winning OVERALL in an arts competition at a minimum of the Grand Duchy level, or entering and placing OVERALL in an arts competition at the Kingdom level. While it may not be a problem at this level of competition, it is still preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As before, it is preferable (but never necessary) to achieve more highly for subsequent Orders. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.

10th Order - sequentially previous Orders (1st through 9th), and entering and winning OVERALL in at least one Kingdom level arts competition (that's _competition_, NOT category). While it may not be a problem at this level of competition, it is still preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.

Masterhood - may require more wins or comparable work above and beyond what is required for the 10th order.

Order of the Griffin

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Griffin

Given by: the Monarch, Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke (to 7th), Baron (to 4th)

Given for: courage, chivalry, and honor on the battlefield. This is a high level awards and provincial leaders are strongly urged to consult with the Monarch before bestowing this award. This award is also one of the highest orders given. It has been witnessed to be given for accepting defeat graciously, fighting with respect when fighting a lesser opponent, allowing the opposite sex to fight with their full potential and die with dignity in battle or tournament, and fighting for the Honor of your Kingdom, emphasizing on honor and gracious defeat. This type of description takes the pressure off of winning and stresses honor instead. All these combined and more can earn a Griffin. The following are for the minimum qualifications to get that number of Griffins.

Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt favor: Blue belt favor with a white border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st A new member showing honor on the battlefield (as described above) in a Battlegame or War.

2nd-10th+ If a member has already earned their first Griffin it is preferable that subsequent displays be of equivalent or greater magnitude act of Chivalry, Honor, and Courage that exceeds the previous one.

Masterhood - is granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Masters Griffins to decide if additional criteria is required.

Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Lion or Griffin. No one has ever achieved Master Griffin status (10th level or higher) without losing many a battle and still be able to keep their humor. This type of award takes the pressure off of winning and stresses honor instead.

Order of the Lion

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Lion

Given by: the Crown - Monarch, Regent (to 9th), Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke (to 7th), Baron (to 4th)

Given for: excellence in statecraft and/or leadership. Such acts include but are not necessarily limited to: founding new chapters, aiding in and/or leading the recognition of an "official" chapter, aiding in and/or leading the elevation of an existing group's status, aiding and/or leading arbitration of intergroup disputes. THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL AWARD AND PROVINCIAL LEADERS ARE STRONGLY URGED TO CONSULT WITH THE CROWN BEFORE BESTOWING THIS AWARD.

Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt Favor: Peach belt favor with a brown border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st through 2nd Someone who has successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

3 Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 1st-2nd Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

4th through 5th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 3rd Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

6th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 4th-5th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their resident Kingdom, Principality, Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

7th through 8th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 6th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Kingdom, Principality, Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

9th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 7th-8th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in an Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their resident Kingdom.

10th+ Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 9th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in an Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their resident Kingdom.

Masterhood - granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Wetland Master Lions to decide if additional criteria is required.

Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Lion.

This one is a history lesson on the award of the Lion and Warrior.

How ironic these statements are! I feel pressed to offer a little history lesson. When we first started the club, the only order offered for fighting was the Order of the Lion. At that time, knights had a very definite code of conduct, which was expected of them. Not everyone in the club wanted to be a knight. The Corsairs and a few others recognized and freely acknowledged that this code of conduct was not for them, and did not even solicit Orders of the Lion. However, it quickly became clear that some of these "mavericks" were some of our best fighters. It was clearly unfair that there was no way to make public note of their skills. So we invented the Order of the Warrior. It was intended that a fighter who earned ten Orders of the Warrior would become a Warlord. A Warlord was to be the equivalent of the Knight, but not bound by the code of conduct expected of the knights. When tournaments were conducted, the fighters were watched for both skill and conduct, and were awarded Warriors or Lions as was deemed appropriate by the Monarch. At this time, there was only one form of Knighthood. Roses attributed to titles of nobility, and Dragons were simply prestige awards. Time passed. Some confusion evolved about the intended difference between Warriors and Lions. An odd sort of dichotomy arose, wherein Lions were almost impossible to earn, yet Warlord was the club's most coveted title. In my opinion, this was the result of the fact that most of the really skilled fighters were the "maverick" types, and the Monarchs all but forgot the existence of Lions and what they meant. Warlord was a separate title from Knighthood, but was no longer regarded as its effective yin/yang opposite. Warlords won Crown Tourneys and were also knighted. The intent of the creation of the Warrior as an Order separate from the Lion fell away. The focus became wholly skill based, with no real evaluation of attitude included. Monarchs came and went.

After a couple of years, the Monarch decided that Knighthood should be broken into four belts: Sword, Serpent, Flame, and Crown. To that end, the Orders were all evaluated. The Order hardest hit was Lion. The Monarch making the changes added Warriors as one of the Orders contributive to Knighthood of the Sword. Then he broke the Order of the Lion into Lions for combat and Griffins for chivalry. Then the persons holding Lions were subjectively reviewed, and decisions were made about whether they were good enough fighters to hold that number of Lions, or if some of those awards had been given for chivalry more than combat prowess. Some players' Lions were converted to Griffins, and, if I recall correctly, no longer contributed towards Knighthood of the Sword. As combat had always been the focus of the club, deleting combat orders to make them "orders of the nice guy", read "orders of the chump" by the much acclaimed Warlords who weren't expected to play fair, was hardly a compliment. So now you see the irony of your reference to Griffins as a highly sought after and scarcely offered award.

I am sorry we lost the dichotomy between Warlords and Knights. I think that a lot of the problems we experience today with Knights acting in unsportsman like and un-chivalrous fashions would be alleviated if there were another Prestige Track available to those who aren't truly "knightly stuff". I have mixed emotions about whether the "code of knightly conduct" should be enforceable, for right and wrong are ever subject to interpretation. But there was a time when those who knew themselves to prefer a less "moral" set of expectations were able to earn prestigious titles and awards for their skill alone. With this option available, it was certainly easier to argue that Knights should be expected to meet certain behavioral requirements.

- Michele Ellington, Darkfalcon)

Order of the Owl

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Owl

Given by: the Crown - Monarch, Regent (to 9th), Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke/Duchess (to 7th), Baron(ess) (to 4th)

Given for: outstanding achievements in the sciences (Amtgard legal weapons and shields, leather, chain mail, plate mail, scale mail, quilted, studded, siege weapons, furniture, camping equipment, etc.). It is preferable that there be a minimum score of 3.25 to place in any category. It is suggested that at least 6 people compete in a given category to have a 1st through 3rd place awarded. A winner in a category is someone who entered all the sections in that category and averaged above the minimum score required, (there should be at least one other competitor in the category or categories the candidate entered; i.e., it is preferable that there be no uncontested wins/placings). Due to the sometimes arbitrariness of the judges however the Monarch may award these as he pleases. Comparable non competition work such as making good unquestionable weapons and armor, an impressive campsite, feast gear, (to just name a few), may also be considered. The following are for the minimum qualifications to get that number of Owls.

Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt Favor: White belt favor with a brown border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st for a novice attempt in their first resident science competition and placing in at least one category. Comparable non-competition work as stated above may also be considered.

2nd through 4th for someone who already has achieved the criteria sequentially previous Orders (1st), and entering and placing OVERALL* in a sciences competition preferably with increasing ratios of wins to place for the higher Orders. Comparable non-competition work as stated above may also be considered.

5th through 7thfor someone who already has achieved the criteria for the sequentially previous Orders (1st through 4th), and entering and placing OVERALL in a sciences competition at a minimum of the Duchy level. As above, there should be at least one other competitor in each category the candidate enters; i.e., it is preferable that there are no uncontested wins/placings. It is also preferable that the candidate places higher in subsequent competitions for higher Orders of the Owl. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.

8th through 9th for someone who already has achieved the criteria for sequentially previous Orders (1st through 7th), and entering and winning OVERALL in a sciences competition at a minimum of the Grand Duchy level, or entering and placing OVERALL in a sciences competition at the Kingdom level. While it may not be a problem at this level of competition, it is still preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As before, it is preferable (but never necessary) to achieve more highly for subsequent Orders. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.

10th+ for someone who already has achieved the criteria for sequentially previous Orders (1st through 9th), and entering and winning OVERALL in at least one Kingdom level arts competition (that's _competition_, NOT category). While it may not be a problem at this level of competition, it is still preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.

Masterhood - may require more wins or comparable work above and beyond what is required for the 10th order.

Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Owl. Masterhood is granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Wetland's Master decide if additional criteria is required.

Order of the Rose

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Rose

Given by: the Crown - Monarch, Regent (to 9th), Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke/Duchess (to 7th), Baron (ess) (to 4th)

Given for: beneficial service to the club, (Heraldry: devices, rose, Sages: corpora/reeves test, debate,) The following are for the minimum qualifications to get that number of Roses.

Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt favor: Burgundy belt favors with a white border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Barony or Shire. Such as successfully completing an office for their group or for excellent role-playing that inspires others to join in.

2nd Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 1st Rose. Such as providing Water Bearer services for their park successfully.

3rd Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 2nd Rose. Such as making loaner garb or weapons for their park successfully.

4th Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 3rd Rose. Such as writing a quest for their park, or placing 3rd in a Rose competition in their resident Barony or Shire that has fulfilled the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.

5th Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 4th Rose. Such as successfully organizing local level qualifications for their park, or placing 2nd in a Rose Competition criterion that has fulfilled the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.

6th Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Grand Duchy, Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 5th Rose that warrants the attention of the Crown. Such as making and donating banners, or placing 1st in their resident Duchy level or higher level Rose Competition criterion that has fulfilled the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is needed to better their resident Kingdom, or Grand Duchy.

7th Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Grand Duchy, Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 6th Rose that warrants the attention of the Crown. Such as making and donating regalia, and placing 1st in their resident Kingdom level Rose Competition criterion that has fulfilled the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is needed to better their resident Kingdom, or Grand Duchy.

8th Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Resident Kingdom, Grand Duchy, Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 7th Rose that warrants the attention of the Crown. Such as doing drudge type work at a several kingdom level events happily and selflessly. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is needed to better their resident Kingdom, or Grand Duchy.

9th Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy, and who already has achieved the criteria for the 8th Rose that warrants the attention of the Crown. Such as doing drudge type work at a several kingdom level events happily and selflessly. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is needed to better their resident Kingdom, or Grand Duchy.


10th+ Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy and who already has achieved the criteria for the 9th Rose that warrants the attention of the Crown. Such as creating a system that revolutionizes an aspect of Amtgard, donation of supplies, research, time, space, and resources for the successful running of several Kingdom or Inter-Kingdom level events, organizing efforts to better recognize Amtgard in the eyes of the surrounding community.

Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Rose. No one has ever achieved Master of the Rose status (10th level or higher) without a great deal of self-sacrifice of time, money, sanity, and sometimes friendships. Masterhood is granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Masters of the Rose to decide if additional criteria is required.

Order of the Smith

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Smith

Given by: Monarch and Regent (to 9th), Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke (to 7th), Baron(ess) (to 4th)

Given for: Sponsoring major Amtgard events, publications, workshops or other comparable service to the club.

Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt Favor: Red belt favors with a Black border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or

ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st for running classes or quests in their Shire. All these must be done successfully.

2nd for running classes, quests, local qualifications or feasts in their Duchy, Barony or Shire and fulfilling the criteria for the 1st Smith. All these must be done successfully.

3rd for running classes, quests, local qualifications in their Duchy, Barony or Shire and fulfilling the criteria for the 2nd Smith. All these must be done successfully.

4th for running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, local qualifications, feasts, and publishes a local newsletter or publication in their Grand Duchy in their Duchy, Barony or Shire and fulfilling the criteria for the 3rd Smith. All these must be done successfully.

5th any combination of three or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, local qualifications or feasts, or publishes a local newsletter or publication in their resident Kingdom, Grand Duchy, Duchy, Barony or Shire and fulfilling the criteria for the 4th Smith. All these must be done successfully.

6th any combination of three or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, local qualifications or feasts, or publishes a local newsletter or publication in their resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy and fulfilling the criteria for the 5th Smith. All these must be done successfully.

7th any combination of four or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, local qualifications or feasts, or publishes a local newsletter or publication in their resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy and fulfilling the criteria for the 6th Smith. All these must be done successfully.

8th any combination of five or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, resident Kingdom qualifications or feasts, or publishes a local newsletter or publication in their resident Kingdom and fulfilling the criteria for the 7th Smith. All these must be done successfully.

9th for performing all or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, local qualifications,

feasts, publishes a local newsletter or publication in their resident Kingdom or Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their resident Kingdom and fulfilling the criteria for the 8th Smith. All these must be done successfully.

10th for performing all or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, local qualifications, feasts, publishes a Kingdom newsletter or publication, running Inter-Kingdom events sponsored by their resident Kingdom and fulfilling the criteria for the 9th Smith. All these must be done successfully.

Masterhood is granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Master Smiths to decide if additional criteria is required.


Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Smith. No one has ever achieved Master Smith (10+ Smith credits) status without sponsoring an Inter-Kingdom event successfully.

Order of the Garber

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Garber

Given by: Monarch, Regent (to 10th), Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke/Duchess (to 7th), Baron(ess) (to 4th)

Given for: Making nice garb for others, flag construction, making superior garb for oneself, court, fighting garb that is not armor such as monster garb and class garb, color including hats, masks, gauntlets, cloaks, boots, pouches, etc., needle work. The very finest of Amtgard garb unquestionably improves the atmosphere of the game. No other art contributes more to the appearance of a battle game, and thusly to the feel of the game itself. As much attention as a rumble with boffers may attract, having every participant at least partially garbed is bound to attract even more attention, and more of the positive kind. Included as well would be some forms of armor that would be eligible for garber credits based solely on beauty. It may be that armor is made which is not of sufficiently sturdy materials or construction to earn Owls, but is glorious and should be awarded as garb. The following are for the minimum qualifications to get that number of Garbers.

Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt favor: Violet belt favors with a Black border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st For garbing themselves done happily and successfully.

2nd through 3rd Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 1st Garber. For the clothing of new members of the populace happily and successfully. May also be given for a novice attempt in their first resident garbing competition that resulted in a placement in the top three in any category and achieving the minimum required scores.

4th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 2nd through 3rd Garber. For the clothing of several new members of the populace happily and successfully. May also be given for placing 1st through 3rd in three or more categories and achieving the minimum required scores in their first garbing competition.

5th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 4th Garber. For the clothing of a high number members of the populace or equivalent non-competitive work done happily and successfully. May also be given for placing 1st-3rd overall in their first Resident Grand Duchy, Duchy or Barony garbing competition only where they entered the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.

6th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 5th Garber. For the clothing of all a Baronial level quest's characters or equivalent non-competitive work done happily and successfully. May also be given for placing 3rd in their resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and 3rd overall in the garbing categories of their Resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy Qualifications only where they entered the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.

7th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 6th Garber. For the clothing of a high number of members of the populace and self, all of a Ducal level quest's characters, or equivalent non-competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament. May also be given for placing 2nd in their resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and 2nd in the overall garbing categories and achieving the minimum required scores in their Resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy Qualifications only where both were entered with the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.

8th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 7th Garber. For the successful clothing of a high number of members of the populace and self, all of a Grand Ducal level quest's characters or equivalent non-competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament or gifts for visiting monarchs. May also be given for placing 1st overall in resident Kingdom Garbing Competitions and 1st overall in the Garbing category of their resident Kingdom Qualifications only where both were entered with the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.

9th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 8th Garber. For the successful clothing of a high number of members of the populace and self, all of a Kingdom level quest's characters or equivalent non-competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament or gifts for visiting monarchs. May also be given for placing 1st in two resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and placing 1st overall in the Garbing category in one resident Kingdom Qualifications only where both were entered with the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.

10th+ Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 9th Garber. One set of incredibly recreated garb for either their household or other members of the populace that unquestionably improves the atmosphere of the game. May also be given for placing 1st in two additional resident Kingdom Garbing Competitions and placing 1st overall in either two additional Resident Kingdom or three additional Grand Duchy Qualifications only where they entered the minimum number of required categories, achieving the minimum required scores and fulfilling the criteria for their 9th Garber. At the discretion of the Monarch all can be traded in for placing 1st overall in one Inter-kingdom Olympiad where all the categories were entered and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.

Masterhood - granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Masters Garbers to decide if additional criteria is required.

Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Garber.

Order of the Jovious

Qualification for Masterhood: Any combination of Mask or Jovious awards that total to 10 (Master Thespian).

Given by: the Monarch, Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke (to 7th), Baron (ess) (to 4th)

Given for: outstanding attitude, good sportsmanship that results in the positive growth of Amtgard from a person that is quite socially adept and a lot of fun to be around, so that their personality and attitude are more what one remembers. (An example would be a Water Bearer who cannot fight but is ready and willing to not only served up water but also humor and goodwill to a fallen fighter.)

Limitations: Only one may be given in each Monarch's reign

Belt favor: Copper with an embroidered jester's hat with black border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle with the appropriate symbol embroidered on it.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st: To be given to the individual with the best consistent attitude; generally, this person's presence, either on or off the field, tends to brighten one's day. Alternatively or additionally, this can be awarded to the person with the most _improved_ attitude. For purposes of determining eligibility, as few as three months' worth of the candidate's performance may be evaluated (as opposed to evaluating their behavior over a whole reign, or longer).

2nd through 4th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent attitude, and/or with the most _improved_ attitude. Of course, if previous orders were for improvement, then subsequent orders should be for better improvement and/or longer duration of improvement. The period of time under consideration here should be at least four months, but not necessarily more than one reign. Subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from other shires for these levels.

5th through 7th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent attitude, and/or with the most _improved_ attitude. Of course, if previous awards were for improvement, then subsequent awards should be for better improvement and/or longer duration of improvement. The period of time under consideration here should be at least one reign, though not necessarily more than nine months. Again, subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from other baronies (and/or lesser groups) for these levels.

8th through 9th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent attitude, and/or with the most _improved_ attitude. Of course, if previous awards were for improvement, then subsequent awards should be for better improvement and/or longer duration of improvement. The period of time under consideration here should be at least one reign, though not necessarily more than nine months. Again, subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from other duchies (and/or lesser groups) for these levels.

10th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent attitude, and/or with the most _improved_ attitude. Of course, if previous awards were for improvement, then subsequent awards should be for better improvement and/or longer duration of improvement. The period of time under consideration here should be at least one reign, though not necessarily more than two reigns. Again, subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from all over the Kingdom for this level.

Masterhood requirements, as always, should be similar to but more demanding than those for the 10th order. At any level of the order progression, in addition to the criteria listed above, awarding officers may wish to consider additional criteria they deem relevant (such as, for example, the degree to which the candidate inspires newcomers to intensify their involvement in Amtgard).

Order of the Mask

Qualification for Masterhood: Any combination of Mask or Jovious awards that total to 10 (Master Thespian).

Given by: the Monarch, Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke (7th), Baron (4th)

Given for: outstanding portrayal of persona, the Mask promotes the feel of Amtgard by rewarding role-play in a system that really doesn't encourage it. (An example we all know is Sir Nomad. When several of us first encountered him 2 years ago he portrayed a very believable personage who was beholden to kneel before every lady he met. Ask him why.)

Limitations: Only one may be given in each Monarch's reign

Belt favor: Copper belt favor with the theatrical smiling and frowning masks embroidered on it and a Black border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle with the appropriate symbol embroidered on it.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended

as a guide line for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st: To be given to the individual with the best consistent role-play of persona; generally, this person's performance is sincere, if not believable. For purposes of determining eligibility, as few as three months' worth of the candidate's performance may be evaluated (as opposed to evaluating their behavior over a whole reign, or longer). Alternatively, a single truly outstanding performance may be considered. Note that performances are not necessarily limited to a single specific persona.

2nd through 4th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent role-play of persona. The period of time under consideration here should be at least four months, but not necessarily more than one reign. Subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. Alternatively, a handful of truly outstanding performances may be considered; a number of performances roughly equal to the level of order make a good guideline. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from other shires for these levels.

5th through 7th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent role-play of persona. The period of time under consideration here should be at least one reign, though not necessarily more than nine months. Again, subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. Alternatively, a handful of truly outstanding performances may be considered; a number of performances roughly equal to the level of order make a good guideline. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from other baronies (and/or lesser groups) for these levels.

8th through 9th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent role-play of persona. The period of time under consideration here should be at least one reign, though not necessarily more than nine months. Again, subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. Alternatively, a handful of truly outstanding performances may be considered; a number of performances roughly equal to the level of order make a good guideline. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from other duchies (and/or lesser groups) for these levels.

10th: To be given to the individual with the best consistent role-play of persona. The period of time under consideration here should be at least one reign, though not necessarily more than two reigns. Again, subsequent orders should require equal or longer periods of observation than previous orders. Alternatively, a handful of truly outstanding performances may be considered; a number of performances roughly equal to the level of order make a good guideline. It may also be desirable to compare the candidate with candidates from all over the Kingdom for this level.

Masterhood requirements, as always, should be similar to but more demanding than those for the 10th order. At any level of the order progression, in addition to the criteria listed above, awarding officers may wish to consider additional criteria they deem relevant (such as, for example, the degree to which the candidate inspires newcomers to intensify their involvement in Amtgard). [Yes, good role play can inspire just as well as good attitude can, if not more so.]



Order of the Hydra - Qualification for Masterhood:

Given by: Kingdom Monarch (to any level), kingdom Regent (to the 9th), grand ducal monarch (to the 9th), ducal monarch (to the 7th), baronial monarch (to the 4th), shire monarch (to the 2nd)

Given for: Qualify for monarch candidacy at Crown Qualifications (excluding Statescraft events) or the Tournament for the Coronet.

Limitations: none, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt Favor: Blackish-purple belt favor with a lavendar border and diagonal marks across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st through 2nd For Crown Qualifications (excluding Statescraft events) or the Tournament for the Shiredom in their resident Kingdom. They must qualify and must not run unopposed.

3rd through 4th For Crown Qualifications (excluding Statescraft events) or the Tournament for the Baronial Coronet in their resident Kingdom and has achieved the criteria for the 2nd Hydra. They must qualify and must not run unopposed.

5th through 7th For Crown Qualifications (excluding Statescraft events) or the Tournament for the Ducal Coronet in their resident Kingdom and has achieved the criteria for the 4th Hydra. They must qualify and must not run unopposed.

8th through 9th For Crown Qualifications (excluding Statescraft events) or the Tournament for the Grand Ducal Coronet in their resident Kingdom and has achieved the criteria for the 7th Hydra. They must qualify and must not run unopposed.

10th+ Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 9th Hydra and has qualified for Kingdom Monarch successfully in their resident Kingdom. They must qualify and must not run unopposed.

Masterhood - granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Wetland Master Hydra's to decide if additional criteria is required.

Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Hydra's as they will be at the discrecion of the Kingdom Monarch.


Order of the Warrior

Qualification for Masterhood: (designated title: Warlord) 10 Orders of the Warrior

Given by: Monarch, Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke/Duchess (to 7th), Baron (ess) (to 4th)

Given for: fighting ability in tournament, (see the criteria below), or battlefield prowess.

Limitations: none, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt Favor: black belt favor with a border color for the levels and diagonal mark with the embroidered animal of that level across the bottom of the corresponding level color. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle. Thus making this a very colorful ribbon.

*SUGGESTED* criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Given the difficulty already inherent in earning these orders, nothing more than what's already here is needed for the TOURNAMENT FIGHTER. For Masterhood not much more would be required than the 10th order. Otherwise, either we'd be requiring Warlord candidates to win 21 or more in a row TWICE. We could perhaps make the awarding of Masterhood conditional upon independent evaluation of the candidate by three or more persons (maybe the Champion, Kingdom Guildmaster of Reeves, and the Monarch, and/or current Kingdom Weaponmasters and Warlords). This could turn politically ugly. There are not too many other ways to keep this from being an "automatic" Masterhood. Please keep in mind that none of the other Orders have "automatic" Masterhoods. We're actually requiring the candidate to EARN Masterhood above and beyond the Criteria. Keep in mind too that these are tournaments and shaking hands at the end of the bout lets everyone know you are satisfied with the outcome.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

I. Criteria for Tournament Warriors:

Level, Tournament Criteria
1st green snake win 3 straight against different opponents, not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve.
2nd blue boar win 5 straight against different opponents plus have 1st warrior and not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve.
3rd red mongoose win 7 straight against different opponents plus have 2nd warrior and not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve.
4th brown bear win 9 straight against different opponents plus have 3rd warrior and not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve.
5th rust hawk win 11 straight against different opponents plus have 4th warrior and not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve.
6th gray wolf win 13 straight against different opponents plus have 5th warrior, not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve. At this point double kills will count as break in your streak. Loss in a bye will also count as a break in your streak.
7th orange tiger win 15 straight against different opponents plus have 6th warrior, not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve. Double kills will count as break in your streak. Loss in a bye will also count as a break in your streak.
8th black panther win 17 straight against different opponents plus have 7th warrior, not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve. Double kills will count as break in your streak. Loss in a bye will also count as a break in your streak.
9th purple dragon win 19 straight against different opponents plus have 8th warrior, not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve. Double kills will count as break in your streak. Loss in a bye will also count as a break in your streak.
10+ yellow phoenix (warlord) win 21 straight against different opponents plus have 9th warrior, not have a reeve warning from any of those bouts, not injured anyone, and not been in an argument with your opponent or reeve. Double kills will count as break in your streak. Loss in a BI will also count as a break in your streak.


Cheating of ANY sort in the course of achieving these kills should result in immediate dismissal from consideration of the tournament in question, if not the candidacy. We do not want to create the impression that this is an avenue to sleaze your way to Knighthood.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

II. Criteria for Battlefield Warriors

Orders 1st through 4th: consistently averaging 1st-3 kills per life in Battlegame, leaning toward higher numbers of kills and larger Battlegame for progressively higher Orders. These kills must be in "stand-up" fights, not from back stabbing, and not from magic. Since these Orders may be handed out at the Barony level, qualifying Battlegame should have a number of participants equal to a significant percentage of the populace of a Barony (say, 50%-75%?). Also, Battlegame under extreme conditions (e.g., lots of magic/no magic, lots of armor, lopsided teams [either in numbers, experience or both], etc.) may merit special consideration in either direction. In other words, someone who scores a lot of kills because he is a sixth level Scout with four Protects, a Wizard Stack, Protection from Missiles, Protection from Magic and a full suit of chainmail, may get no Orders regardless of how many kills he scores. Conversely, an unarmored Warrior, armed with a single sword, who consistently scores 1st-3 kills per life REGARDLESS of the lopsidedness of the Battlegame, will almost certainly merit orders for battlefield prowess.

Orders 5th through 7th: consistently averaging 4+ kills per life in Battlegame, leaning toward higher numbers of kills and larger Battlegame for progressively higher Orders. These kills must be in "standup" fights, not from back stabbing, and not from magic. Since these Orders may be handed out at the Duchy level, qualifying Battlegame should have a number of participants equal to a significant percentage of the populace of a Duchy (say, 50%-75%?). Also, Battlegame under extreme conditions (e.g., lots of magic/no magic, lots of armor, lopsided teams [either in numbers, experience or both], etc.) may merit special consideration in either direction. In other words, someone who scores a lot of kills because he is a sixth level Scout with four Protects, a Wizard Stack, Protection from Missiles, Protection from Magic and a full suit of chainmail, may get no Orders regardless of how many kills he scores. Conversely, an unarmored Warrior, armed with a single sword, who consistently scores 1st-3 kills per life REGARDLESS of the lopsidedness of the Battlegame, will almost certainly merit orders for battlefield prowess.

Orders 8th through 9th: consistently averaging 4+ kills per life in Battlegame AND losing few (if any) of one's OWN lives in the process, leaning toward higher numbers of kills and larger Battlegame for progressively higher Orders. These kills must be in "standup" fights, not from back stabbing, and not from magic. Since these Orders may be handed out at the Grand Duchy level, qualifying Battlegame should have a number of participants equal to a significant percentage of the populace of a Grand Duchy (say, 50%-75%?). Also, Battlegame under extreme conditions (e.g., lots of magic/no magic, lots of armor, lopsided teams [either in numbers, experience or both], etc.) may merit special consideration in either direction. In other words, someone who scores a lot of kills because he is a sixth level Scout with four Protects, a Wizard Stack, Protection from Missiles, Protection from Magic and a full suit of chainmail, may get no Orders regardless of how many kills he scores. Conversely, an unarmored Warrior, armed with a single sword, who consistently scores 1st-3 kills per life REGARDLESS of the lopsidedness of the Battlegame, will almost certainly merit orders for battlefield prowess.

Order 10: consistently averaging 4+ kills per life in Battlegame AND losing at most one of one's own lives in the process, leaning toward higher numbers of kills and larger Battlegame for progressively higher Orders. It is preferred that these kills be in "standup" fights, not from back stabbing, and not from magic. Since these Orders may be handed out at the Kingdom level, qualifying Battlegame should have a number of participants equal to a significant percentage of the populace of the Kingdom (say, 50%-75%?). Also, Battlegame under extreme conditions (e.g., lots of magic/no magic, lots of armor, lopsided teams [either in numbers, experience or both], etc.) may merit special consideration in either direction. In other words, someone who scores a lot of kills because he is a sixth level Scout with four Protects, a Wizard Stack, Protection from Missiles, Protection from Magic and a full suit of chainmail, may get no Orders regardless of how many kills he scores. Conversely, an unarmored Warrior, armed with a single sword, who consistently scores 1st-3 kills per life REGARDLESS of the lopsidedness of the Battlegame, will almost certainly merit orders for battlefield prowess.

Cheating of ANY sort in the course of achieving these kills should result in immediate dismissal from consideration of the Battlegame in question, if not the candidacy. We do not want to create the impression that this is an avenue to sleaze your way to Knighthood.

In the above criteria, it expresses the desire to exclude back stabs from consideration for battlefield prowess awards. Back stabbing is a role-playing element NOT a skill to win a warrior for. Now, a convincing argument could be made to include back stabbing, as it does take some skill to maneuver yourself into a position to administer such blows, but with the chaos inherent in larger Battlegame, it becomes significantly easier to do so as the numbers increase. Therefore, AT BEST, backstabbing should play a rapidly diminishing role, if any -- and a minor one at best -- in consideration for progressively higher Orders. If the candidate in question is an Assassin, backstabbing should be more of a factor for consideration for Master Assassin and/or Orders of the Mask. Wetlands' Knights of the Sword win with HONOR as well as skill.

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